The image provided here is for recovery purposes in case you have destroyed the original image or your SD card in your Canique Gateway is defect. #### Installation Notes #### 1) Write the gateway-base-x.x.img file to an SD card of appropriate size (8-16 GB recommended). You can use BalenaEtcher as a tool for writing images. 2) Insert the SD card to your Canique Gateway while it is powered off. Then connect the power cable via Micro USB. 3) You need SSH access to complete the setup. Connect via SSH to your Canique Gateway. User: root Passwort: cnq100 4) Run this to extend the filesystem to the size of the SD card: systemctl start armbian-resize-filesystem 5) Get the original GWID from Canique Support. Run this to set the hostname: echo "cnq-GWID" > /etc/hostname 6) If you have backed up /var/canique-gateway/ earlier, then restore it now 7) Reboot for hostname change to get in effect: reboot 8) Connect again via SSH and install necessary packages: apt-get install canique-mqtt-tools canique-radio-bridge reboot 9) If you have no backup of /var/canique-gateway/, then setup sensors again, for every sensor run: runuser -u cnq canique-setup-sensor-encryption At last run: systemctl restart canique-radio-bridge Optional: a) You may want to edit /etc/sshd_config and change PermitRootLogin (don't forget to run: systemctl restart ssh) b) You should change the root password by running passwd command c) You may want to setup bridge configuration